Abortion rates does not go down because abortion is illegal. All it does is result in women risking and too often giving their lives while trying to self abort. If we don't do something soon, this is the world we are going to face once again.
A video on a bit of my abortion and why abortion is not bad; but those who attack you are.
Abortion Is Pro-Life

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Call for an End to Bans on Medicaid Funding of Abortion
Repost from National Network of Abortion Funds... Click link to add your name!
Call for an end to bans on Medicaid funding of abortion: Sign the petition!
hundreds of thousands of people go hungry, risk eviction, and pawn
their possessions as they attempt to raise money for an abortion.
Repealing the "Hyde Amendment," which forbids federal funding for abortion in the Medicaid program, could change all that.
If we repeal the Hyde Amendment, lack of income wouldn't be a barrier
for the thousands of people qualified for Medicaid benefits who seek
abortion. Medicaid would again cover abortion care like it does every
other health care service we need. Congress also denies abortion
coverage to military personnel and their families, those receiving
care from Indian Health Services, and people on disability insurance.
Sign the petition below and join our call for coverage of abortion in public insurance programs as a part of comprehensive health care for all. Please also join our call for support for low-income families to care for their children with dignity. Take a stand for reproductive justice and a world in which all of us have the power and resources necessary to make healthy decisions about our bodies and our families.
It is time for Congress to repeal the Hyde Amendment and restore Medicaid coverage for abortion. We must close the gap between the legal right to abortion and genuine access to care. I call on my Senators and House members to repeal the Hyde Amendment and ensure dignity and justice for all families.
Click here to add your name to this important cause!
Some are never able to raise enough money and are forced to continue the pregnancy.
Sign the petition below and join our call for coverage of abortion in public insurance programs as a part of comprehensive health care for all. Please also join our call for support for low-income families to care for their children with dignity. Take a stand for reproductive justice and a world in which all of us have the power and resources necessary to make healthy decisions about our bodies and our families.
It is time for Congress to repeal the Hyde Amendment and restore Medicaid coverage for abortion. We must close the gap between the legal right to abortion and genuine access to care. I call on my Senators and House members to repeal the Hyde Amendment and ensure dignity and justice for all families.
Click here to add your name to this important cause!
Fear of Judgment Shouldn't Be Why Women Risk Their Lives - Abortion Video
It makes me very sad to see so many women afraid to seek legal abortions because of fears they have due to lies and abuse spread by the anti-choice movement. Please listen to your heart and please, please hold your head high and do whatever it is, abort or not, that you know is right for you and your life. You don’t need to give a reason for your abortion; the fact that you feel it is right for you is all you need. People will always judge us no matter what we do in life, we can’t please everyone…but we do have the choice to do what is right and best for us, and take comfort in knowing that doing this simple thing, taking care of YOURSELF as well as the future for all involved makes you a caring, good, intelligent and loving woman.
Getting pregnant doesn’t mean you are doomed to give birth or doomed to raise a kid at this time if it is not what you want. If you don’t want your pregnancy don’t let fear control you; forget others, listen to your heart, and no matter what they think- you do what is best for yourself. Reach out to people who are open minded and not out to make the choice for you. And please, take comfort in knowing that the fears you have of judgment is temporary…they don’t care about your well being. They are willing to lie, create information and call it facts despite it isn’t facts at all. Even legally there is admission that it is okay for doctors to lie to patients about abortion; misrepresenting the facts.
Anyone who wants to control you is not someone you need right now… Anyone who can’t understand that this is a choice you must make on your own isn’t trying to understand… There are people who do, and who will be with you no matter what choice you make.
As I noted, I’m very behind with emails, I lost a loved one and have been having other random issues and haven’t been around very much lately. I will reply, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Please continue to email me if you desire, or check out my site. I have resources to other people you can talk to and much more available there. Above all else; remember…
Abortion is a blessing to me. It always will be. It may not be right for all; I’m not saying it is. But for me, and many other women; it is, and always will be. Be proud of who you are.
Fighting For Women and the Right to Abortion -From America to North Ireland... Please Share!
This is important; just as we struggle in America for our BASIC RIGHT to health care and access to safe abortion care, so do women in many countries; Northern Ireland in particular. Please add your name to the list, share and please never give up. Safe abortion access saves lives; the only thing making abortion illegal accomplishes is the unnecessary death of women due to self induced abortions, unsafe/unclean procedures, lack of knowledge (as many women are not professional doctors and don't have access to proper equipment) and/or overdose, to just start the list of problems.
Abortion, when done safely and under a professional doctors care, is one of the safest medical procedures one can receive. It's even safer than childbirth. But when left on our own, in deseperation we will do anything to abort if that is what we know inside is right for us. That's a fact, not opinion. Abortion does not go down because of abortion bans, have I mentioned that? I have yet to see how anti-choicers are pro-life?
The true pro-lifers are the ones who support a woman's right to make her own choice.Oh, not to mention when they say abortion is only okay when the woman's life is in danger I hope everyone stops to think about that. What about those who are willing to take their own life instead of being pregnant; what about those who will take their life after pregnancy?
Why is mental illness and suicide not taken more seriously? Not only suicide; but there are far too many women who die while trying to induce miscarriage. Giving birth is a massively life changing event and shouldn't be treated as something that's mandatory of anyone.
Statement below, followed by link. Please sign and share; wherever you are in the world. America needs help; so do many places. We need to unite with women of North Ireland and stand united against those who want to see women put "back in our place".
Abortion, when done safely and under a professional doctors care, is one of the safest medical procedures one can receive. It's even safer than childbirth. But when left on our own, in deseperation we will do anything to abort if that is what we know inside is right for us. That's a fact, not opinion. Abortion does not go down because of abortion bans, have I mentioned that? I have yet to see how anti-choicers are pro-life?
The true pro-lifers are the ones who support a woman's right to make her own choice.Oh, not to mention when they say abortion is only okay when the woman's life is in danger I hope everyone stops to think about that. What about those who are willing to take their own life instead of being pregnant; what about those who will take their life after pregnancy?
Why is mental illness and suicide not taken more seriously? Not only suicide; but there are far too many women who die while trying to induce miscarriage. Giving birth is a massively life changing event and shouldn't be treated as something that's mandatory of anyone.
Statement below, followed by link. Please sign and share; wherever you are in the world. America needs help; so do many places. We need to unite with women of North Ireland and stand united against those who want to see women put "back in our place".
Click here for more information and to add your name. One struggle, one united...
We the undersigned call for the repeal of the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution so that full reproductive health services, including abortion, can be made available in line with best medical practice, international human rights norms and the will of the majority of people in Ireland.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Birth Control & Title X At Risk -Learn More Here!
Title X is a big concern for women; and it's at risk, like too many other topics regrading our freedom as independent, intelligent women. Among other things, Title X supports family planning and is a means for women in poverty or need to obtain help when in need of buying birth control. Sadly birth control is insanely expensive -especially, if like me, you are uninsured. Actually, as the below video states, Title X is a huge help to those of us who can't afford health insurance as sixty-four percent of those Title X help are also uninsured.
I buy my birth control online as it's cheaper and more convenient (here is a list of accredited online pharmacies).
When staying with my husband in England I find it is even easier and cheaper than the states when it comes to buying birth control. Then again, in England they treat birth control as it should be treated; a pill for a responsible woman to take in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Additionally, in England the NHS takes care of abortions up to 21 weeks...thus treating women with respect and treating abortion for what it truly is; and that is nothing more than a medical procedure- by no means is abortion murder! America could learn a lot from England when it comes to health care and women. No system is perfect, but at least they treat their women with respect and offer a safe and legally secure place to abort, as opposed to how things are here in the states. It's embarrassing how ignorant and horrible certain groups act towards women who don't want to get or remain pregnant. Anti-choicers may be active in England too, but at least they are not as filled with mindless rage like in the states; and at least there women don't have to worry about having a safe, legal and affordable abortion. But I digress... Birth control and Title X! According to research, women not covered with health insurance are looking at spending anywhere from $20.00 to over $137.00 a month to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. This article states the following on why prices vary, and give some good tips on how to save when buying the pill:
When staying with my husband in England I find it is even easier and cheaper than the states when it comes to buying birth control. Then again, in England they treat birth control as it should be treated; a pill for a responsible woman to take in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Additionally, in England the NHS takes care of abortions up to 21 weeks...thus treating women with respect and treating abortion for what it truly is; and that is nothing more than a medical procedure- by no means is abortion murder! America could learn a lot from England when it comes to health care and women. No system is perfect, but at least they treat their women with respect and offer a safe and legally secure place to abort, as opposed to how things are here in the states. It's embarrassing how ignorant and horrible certain groups act towards women who don't want to get or remain pregnant. Anti-choicers may be active in England too, but at least they are not as filled with mindless rage like in the states; and at least there women don't have to worry about having a safe, legal and affordable abortion. But I digress... Birth control and Title X! According to research, women not covered with health insurance are looking at spending anywhere from $20.00 to over $137.00 a month to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. This article states the following on why prices vary, and give some good tips on how to save when buying the pill:
"Why do prices vary so much? Well, pharmacies can charge whatever they want, and they’re familiar with consumer buying patterns. So even when a brand drug becomes generic, and therefore cheaper for the pharmacy to buy, the high price often sticks around. Dr. Leslie Ramirez, a Chicago M.D. who runs a price comparison site, has made an in-depth study of drug pricing. She writes on her blog: “Patients are used to paying a high price for branded medications, and pharmacies know this. So when a new generic becomes available, many pharmacies discount the medication, but only by a small fraction as little as 10- 15%. However, the patient buying the prescription sees the new generic medication is somewhat cheaper and appreciates paying a little less for it.” In late March, Ramirez found the generic version of Lipitor for $17 at a Chicago area Costco, and $153 at Walgreens."No matter... Whether you're insured or not, if you care about women and our reproductive rights as well as our basic rights as intelligent beings to make our own choices regarding our lives and bodies, Title X is something you need to be aware of and become active about...
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