Abortion Is Pro-Life

Abortion Is Pro-Life

What Does It Mean To Be Pro-Abortion?

Let’s start out with what being pro-abortion is not. Pro Abortion in no way suggests I hate children, quiet the opposite actually. Additionally, it does not suggest I think all woman should have an abortion.

What is it, then? First, we have to clarify that there is a difference in being pro-choice and being pro-abortion. Pro-choice means you believe in the right for someone to make their own choice, and that is a wonderful thing. I am pro-choice by all means. However, not all pro-choice are for abortion, they simply support a woman’s right to have one.

So when I say I am Pro-Abortion it means (among other pro-choice things): that I am proud to support abortion both early and late term. I am proud to help anyone in anyway I can if they feel abortion is the right choice for them. SO LONG AS THE FEMALE KNOWS WITHIN THAT IT IS NOT THE RIGHT TIME TO BE PREGNANT, LET ALONE GIVE BIRTH AND RAISE A CHILD, FOR _*ANY REASON*_ I SUPPORT HER.

Being Pro-Abortion means I am opposite in every last way to those who are anti-choice. I support facts over opinion, independent, medical, scientific facts which all state abortion to be a positive not a negative when legal and safely done. 

Abortion, both via the pill or surgical, is a safe, healthy and natural procedure for women when done by a professional. Not to mention, it is a medical practice that women have been undergoing for hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of years. It's nothing new, the only thing that is new is the anti-choice attack on this medical procedure.

Due to the wrongful criminalization of abortion I support and do what I can to share information to help

assist women in need of an abortion. This includes those who are looking to buy the pill online and self abort, be it because of your location and abortion laws, money, secrecy or whatever the issue may be. There are a lot of fake clinics in the physical world and a lot of fake websites full of false information, some even pretending to be abortion clinics with the single goal of luring you into their deception. 

Abortion is a medical procedure, a safe, medical procedure. When a female makes the choice to abort because the potential child is unwanted or the timing isn't right or the woman isn't ready...whatever the reason, if she wants to abort, abortion is more than a morally responsible choice for unwanted pregnancies.

Whether you have an abortion or not, simply having the option to abort for any reason is comforting and a positive for the well being of women and health care as well as ensuring children born are loved and wanted. Being forced to have an abortion is wrong; but it doesn't punish an innocent life. Forced birth hurts a minimum of two people; the then born child who did not ask to be brought into this world and the mother who was forced to give birth.

No one enjoys having going through an abortion, just as no one enjoys going in for surgery or say getting a tooth pulled. However, just as when the surgery is needed or when a painful tooth needs to be pulled, most people are thankful the procedure(s) available, unpleasant as it may be. 

Pro-Abortion; Abortion is a good procedure to those who want/need one, just as surgery is a good procedure for those in need of surgical care. I don't know of anyone who goes out of their way to have obtain an abortion, I don't believe abortion care is 'used as birth control'- what a ridiculous thought! Abortion isn't there so we can all go and experience it; abortion clinics and doctors are just like all other medical professionals...they are there and ready to help us when and if we find ourselves in need of them.

When women come to me wanting an abortion, I will support her in all possible ways. I also make it a goal to remind any and every woman I can that abortion is not bad, it is not "murder", it does not make you a slut or a bad person and you are not "going to hell" or any of the other insane things anti's say as they march around clinics or as they troll around abortion pages seeking victims. Abortion is a medical procedure. Nothing more or less. It may be emotional, that makes sense. Or it may not be emotional; which also makes sense. Every person, every situation is different and no 'one response' makes you bad.

I see how much hatred we as women face by these religious zealots as well as the misinformed anti-choicers, and because of their hatred they go out of their way and hurt women who simply are having a medical procedure because it is the right thing for them. THE WHY IS NONE OF MY OR YOUR BUSINESS! The point remains; NO MATTER WHY A WOMAN HAS ABORTION, SHE IS STILL A GOOD WOMAN- SHE HAS DONE NO WRONG, AND SHE DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE HARASSED BY RELIGIOUS NUTS.

After seeing how deeply disturbed and hearing how they've hurt others, I have decided to be EXTRA PROUD OF ABORTION. All 3 of mine. And why not? It is simply a medical procedure, not a sick and twisted act, as they wish we would believe.

We need open dialogue about abortion to kill the stigma and teach more women that it is not wrong or bad for them to take care of themselves. And when I say abortion saves lives, I don’t only mean a woman’s LIFE. I additionally mean, it saves her dreams, work, hopes, health and plans; it saves her LIFE. Women are entitled to education, a career, their dreams and plans right along with their personal health care just as men are. Pregnancy shouldn't be something that puts women's lives at risk because of the lack of abortion care in their area.

Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures a person can have, when done by a medical professional. Making abortion illegal will not end abortion, just as it did not end abortion prior Roe V Wade. All banning abortion does is end the lives of too many mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, wives and girlfriends, professionals, dreamers and on I could go. Illegal abortion puts life at risk.

Looking to the fetus to be child, Quality of Life is another issue that needs attention, both for the woman and the fetus to be child. It is a horrible, immoral crime to bring an unwanted new born into this world where it is not only unwanted, but where it will be in danger, not taken care of or neglected; possibly sent off to one abusive foster home after another. Of course not all unplanned pregnancies go this way. But studies as well as common sense shows women who carry an unwanted pregnancy to birth and raise the child suffer from depression at a drastically higher rate than those whom had an abortion or whom planned and/or wanted to give birth.

This also impacts the fetus to be child. The woman's mental health is just as important as every other health factor. Interestingly, and not surprisingly, adoption proves to be what women regret; not abortion. In the future (or perhaps it is up now, I hope it is now or soon) we will explore those statistics, why it matters and also go into the personal aspect of the trauma that is known as adoption and foster homes/care.

While it is no one but your business why you are having an abortion, people need to respect women more for all we go through, for all we give up and sacrifice to give ourselves a better chance at life; and also to make sure we don't ruin an innocent child's life. Pregnancy isn't only 9 months. Pregnancy is 18 years + and your life stops; you have another person to raise, take care of and guide. If you aren't ready for that, for ANY reason, that is NORMAL and that is OKAY, look at all of your options and if you decide on abortion, hold your head high and remember you are not a bad woman!

What makes someone 'bad' or wrong is punishing an innocent being by forcing the woman to give birth despite her desires. What's immoral and unforgivable is giving birth to an unwanted child for the sake of giving birth, not because you want a child and not because you are ready to dedicate your life to that child.THAT is wrong; ABORTION is not.

If these anti-choicers were so 'pro-life' they would consider all of that; from the rise in death abortion bans cause women to the tragic circumstances a pro-birth world puts innocent women and children in.

One can disagree with abortion without trying to control the world. Well most can; not anti-choicers it would seem though. Just like Christians and religion, they will try to throw every fear tactic and hate speech at you in an attempt to degrade and harm you. Please ignore them; cruel people aren't worth your time or thoughts.

-page updated 1/2021