Abortion Is Pro-Life

Abortion Is Pro-Life

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Please Help Expose Fake Clinics and Deception Regarding Abortion!

It may seem a bit dramatic,  speaking about how dangerous fake abortion clinics are, but it is anything other than dramatic. From deception to emotional lies and mental/emotional abuse of women with unwanted pregnancies these groups of the not so pro-life are luring the unknowing into their reach in attempts to make the choice for them.

They even go so far as to buying up old clinics in attempts to lure abortion seeking women in. And online, they are doing the same thing with ads as well as older billboards you see on highways across America. If the word abortion isn't used (and it -to my knowledge- usually isn't) it is just natural to assume when you see a sign or ad online asking if you are scared and pregnant and want to discuss "all" of your options, that when you get there, you will not be attacked with an unload of falsities that are made just to play with your mind.) 

(Below is a quick video, under 3 minutes, expressing what exactly fake clinics or CPC is... I encourage everyone to watch... When I was pregnant for the first time and looking online for help, I had no idea what to look for or that people like this existed, and I found myself contacting the CPC unknowingly... Thankfully, I had also contacted true abortion providers as I haven't always been as studied as I am now in reproductive care, let alone abortion. That's sad and I wish it upon no other women even though I know it isn't uncommon.)


Ever seen anything like, or similar to, the below photo?

If you have or ever do; remember it and turn away, that is the wrong direction for true!
Remember that, please! Regardless as to if you are not sure what you want to do with your pregnancy, even if you simply want to talk; I would encourage anyone to do so with organizations that are openly supportive of all facts, of all options regarding pregnancy and who aren't there to try and trick you into doing what they want you to do with your body and your life. 

 Even if you end up not having an abortion, at least you can take comfort knowing the person or people you spoke with weren't there on any other agenda than to support whatever chose you make... At the very least, please, please do some research before going to or calling organizations online if you aren't for sure what they support or believe.

YOU deserve the truths about all of your options. You deserve the right to be respected and given safe medical attention and care if that is what you believe to be the right path. But never should you be told what the right path is. The right path can only be found in your natural instinct; in your gut feeling. Listen to that feeling, is my advice. That, and make sure you know the truth about abortion and not the popular myths / lies. 

Regardless of the procedure I am going for, I would want to speak with someone whom I know wouldn't lie to others about their options if it did not align with what they, the random stranger, want for you. The moment forced birth (or any birth) is given, the woman and the now child are forgotten and useless to the anti-life movement. They are so anything but pro-life and it's disgusting!

I've included below some quick info on fake clinics as well as a video regarding the reality of what these abusive, scary people are doing. You can find all of this and more by visiting the website I am sharing from, which can be found here.


What Are “Fake Clinics?”

“Crisis Pregnancy Centers” (CPCs) or Pregnancy Resource Centers advertise on your campus and in your community. They pose as comprehensive women’s health clinics and advertise under “abortion” and “family planning” services, but do not offer abortion services, contraception, or referrals.

CPCs often provide false information about abortion, birth control, and the effectiveness of condoms for the prevention of STIs and HIV. Ultimately, their tactics delay or intimidate women from receiving comprehensive medical care.

Have you seen these popular CPC advertisements?

“Pregnant? Need Help? You Have Options!”
“Pregnant? Scared? We Can Help! Call 1-800-XXX-XXXX”
“Free Pregnancy Tests!”

The Danger

Many of these CPCs lie to women in need. A Congressional investigation of CPCs revealed that 87% provided false or misleading information about the health effects of abortion.1 The Congressional report found many of these federally funded centers grossly misrepresent the medical risks of abortion by telling women that having an abortion could increase the risk of breast cancer, result in sterility and lead to suicide and “post-abortion syndrome.”2

A survey by the Feminist Majority Foundation also found that 32.7% of comprehensive clinics located near a CPC experienced one or more incidents of severe violence, compared to only 11% of clinics that are not near a CPC.

At least 8 states enacted 10 measures supporting crisis pregnancy centers either financially or with referrals in 2013. And there are 29 states with “Choose Life” license plates that provide funding for so-called crisis pregnancy centers.



Our Reality: A Look at Crisis Pregnancy Centers from RH Reality Check on Vimeo.

Young women and men discuss their findings about Crisis Pregnancy Centers which claim to be offering sound advice about abortion and reproductive health issues. Their findings are disturbing. Kathy Spillar and Eleanor Smeal of the Feminist Majority Foundation call for these centers to be de-funded.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Abortions in South Africa As Well As Obtaining The Abortion Pill Anywhere In The World, Online, SAFE

I have women from all around the world whom contact me asking for abortion resources, help, advice... One of those places is South Africa. I thought I'd post this with a couple of links to let women know what they may be dealing with, however, I want to add...please do not let this dishearten you. There are international organizations that make it their one and only mission to get abortion pills to women in countries where abortion is legal. 

I'll link those below, and that is not just for South Africa but pretty much all countries (except America). If you have any trouble or need more assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me at AbortionFacts@outlook.com

The sites that share this information is a place American's can also contact if they are in need of obtaining an abortion/abortion pills. I would start on their FAQ page, though. 

Anyone can use their free online chat, email or phone to talk to a female who will be supportive, non-judgmental and kind as you make your choice. If you've already done so, on their page they tell you in detail how to have an abortion safely at home as well as where to obtain safe medicine, if at home abortion is all that you have within reach.

There are a lot more resources than people think; sadly anti's try to infiltrate and deceive women online also...However, if you are in need of something else, have questions or etc again; contact me. I take about 24-72 hours to reply depending on how busy things are, but I'll try to always reply ASAP.

Looking for an abortion clinic in South Africa? Here’s what you need to know

I also highly suggest this website called, how to use an abortion pill. You can access it here. Any and everyone doing a home abortion or seeking abortion care yet are unsure about if you can obtain one where you are, etc no matter where you are in the world, this site will be of help... Find it by clicking here.

In the future I will have a section dedicated to finding safe abortion pills because it is NOT easy and your life is valuable... Places like the following are trustworthy, however, and in the future I'll have a list of these, as well as known fake websites that deal with 'selling' the abortion pill and/or giving false information that I shall correct. For now, to find pills one great place to check out is safe2choose.


Crisis Pregnancy Centers, CPC, BE WARE OF THEM!

Post from my previous blog website that is very much still accurate. As I am creating and working on further developing this site at the beginning, I will be reposting important posts over from it... Please be safe, anti's have nothing they won't do, nothing is too low... Not even murder :| 

safe abortionWomen, especially in states like Texas, watch out for CPC (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) and OTHER FAKE CLINICS! Here is what you need to know, and what to avoid both online and off. And this is not just me talking because I am pro-choice and pro-abortion; CPC and fake clinics lying are documented FACTS. Post on that soon; for now….

cpc is not abortion it is lies 

Why avoid CPC? Crisis Pregnancy Centers do not even let you mention or consider the idea of abortion. If that doesn’t bother you, the fact that they LIE to “win” your confidence, should bother you. Along with the information in the photo below, which has been  *proven* time and time again, by countless women, some even are on video or audio.cpc lies

Now, maybe abortion is NOT for you; THAT IS OKAY! Abortion is not for everyone!

However, TRUTH should be mandatory;

fear tactics should NOT be used, ever and you should be able to go to someone who will not judge you or make you try to feel bad; who will not try to limit or force your choices.

lies and manipulation

You need to watch out for these fake clinics both online and off; please, do not fall victim to their lies and deceit whether you have an abortion or not!

You deserve to go to someone who will be kind, understanding and give you all options; allowing YOU to make the choice, whatever that may be. But your life should be taken into consideration, too!

Crisis Pregnancy Centers and other fake clinics do not work this way.

Instead they want you to go by their religious beliefs and do what THEY believe, not once asking if it is right for you. If you dare mention abortion, be prepared for an onset of lies and verbal putdowns. They do not take into consideration YOUR feelings or your LIFE; if they did, they would understand everyone is different, and everyone, regardless of belief, should be entitled to make their own choice when it comes to their future and their body.

So in advance, be warned. If you come across these people (and there are plenty in Texas) – they will attempt to fool you by lying, guilt trips and did I mention, insanely false information? They WILL use every guilt and scare tactic available to get you to do what they want; which is, force you to have the child, keep it or give it up for adoption. I would rather die than give my child up for adoption – that pain no child deserves.

Here are a few info graphs and following that I have provided resources available 24/7 anonymously, that offer ALL from abortion to adoption to keeping the baby yourself- they LISTEN but let YOU make the choice; unlike the Crisis Pregnancy Centers and other FAKE CLINICS. Please, please watch out for these. They go by many names, the most popular at the moment, though, is the CPC.

Obtaining accurate information regarding abortion online is hard; because of this, I have worked on and am continuing to work on a list of resources that will talk to you about ALL options; INCLUDING abortion. For these resources, please click HERE. It will open in a new page… Contact me if you need more guidance and I will respond within 12-24 hours max; if it is an emergency, please put that in your subject line.

I am absolutely outraged at the state of this country. We have women in Texas (and other states) DYING because hallways are not wide enough in abortion clinics. Because medication cannot be obtained so they are going to the black market and overdosing. Coat hangers are real and are back. I know all too well because I speak with these women-for free and happily- daily.

We need help. Resources are depleting. Are you so called Pro-Life? Then why are you letting women of all ages DIE for a fetus? A fetus which is, the idea of life. A fetus is not a child until it takes its first breath, even the bible so many of you shove down others throats states that!

hypocrite and religion Once the fetus is developed into a child and born, you then forget the child and continue to harass and mock women. How kind and “godly” of you. Yes, I am Spiritual and a Pagan, something Christians have said I am evil for. Well let me say this; I fight with all my soul to help save women from accidentally killing themselves because of ridiculous laws and other hurtles you anti-lifers put in women’s way. Is that really evil, or is it the one who lets them go and die evil? I say the latter.

Abortion does not stop, it does not decrease, it does NOT END when it is made illegal ALL IT DOES is put women’s lives in IMMINENT danger unless they are lucky enough to live in an intelligent state OR have the ability to get to another state for help.

I know those who are anti-choice and not mean or cruel. However, allowing women to die because they can’t obtain a safe, legal abortion – no matter if you harass them or not – is not something I can say anything kind about.

If I had been in Texas a few months later and needed an abortion, I would be dead by the hand of suicide and obviously so would the fetus because it depends on MY LIFE to LIVE! I planned on dying before I gave birth if I was not able to have an abortion because it was wrong for me and it sure as hell was wrong for a child to be brought into this world at that time; I LOVE kids too much to bring them into a hell they don’t deserve!

How is that PRO-LIFE of you; to deny women the health care we NEED?!

Sorry to all the women reading this in need of help; I am very angry at how hypocritical these people are. This is yet another reason you should not let their cruel words get you down; they are not right in the head. You are not bad, not a murderer, not evil; you are a good woman doing the best you can; keep at it!

But beware. They lurk and try to trick many. Below I have pasted some information on FAKE clinics; something very real both online and in person that ALL WOMEN should be made aware of. (Links follow)

What to watch out for:

There are some places out there that call themselves clinics, but don’t actually perform abortions.  These “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” are often listed in phone books under Abortion or Abortion Alternatives. They also show up when you do Internet searches for “abortion.” They often will offer you free pregnancy tests or free ultrasounds, but the people who perform these services are not doctors.  The crisis pregnancy centers are anti-abortion and they will try to convince you not to have an abortion, often by giving you false information about the risks or costs of abortion. To protect yourself, you should never give your medical information to anyone who is not a doctor or working for a doctor’s office.

How can you be sure a clinic is a real clinic?

Ask on the phone if they provide or refer for abortion services. Avoid centers that refuse to give a straightforward answer.

Ask whether they have doctors or nurses on staff. Just like you would for any clinic, ask what training the doctors have received. If their answers seem suspicious, trust your gut.

Be careful when surfing the web. Often you will find anti-abortion religious websites disguised as pro-choice information. Keep searching for reliable information or use the sites listed above. – from FUNDABORTIONS

And as noted, if you need my help, email me. If you cannot locate my email address, please contact me via youtube.


The Return of ProAbortion !!!!!


Wow, I haven't written on here in AGES! Since the last time I have wrote, I've had one more abortion at 14 weeks, which makes me at a total of 3 abortions; 23/24 weeks, 7 weeks and the latest was 14 weeks a little over a year ago. All done by different methods, none of them do I nor my husband regret. I will share the methods used, what it was like and the story behind each in video soon... It is on a list of a lot of videos I hope to make on a consistent basis :-) 

My life has taken off in many ways that would never have been possible if I had not aborted, horrible things have also occurred and no child should have to go through those things, just as I knew back when I had my first abortion, the late term abortion, in 2013. 

I am still at a very busy place as a caretaker for my mom who is 83, but I see so many lies and so much hate going around from these same people, I would never be able to face myself if I didn't become more active again. I am very busy now so I sadly can't do as much as I did back when I first started, at least not now. But any and all support will be appreciated and IS appreciated! All of the warm wishes and kind messages mean the world to me.

To contact me for questions or comments or if you are simply looking for resources or just someone to talk to...you can write me an email at AbortionFacts@outlook.com  -all other email addresses referenced in the past are void as for me searching for emails to reply to :) Unless there is something urgent going on at that time I will try to always reply within 24-72 hours tops. I will make a post about contacting me at another time though... for now, email away :)

So from here on out expect to hear from me, hopefully more often than not as these deceiving, hateful people and organizations don't take a break. Abortion is not murder; it does NOT make you less of a woman or bad. It doesn't ruin your future, and as I have said before and will discuss in an upcoming video, it is actually the women who gave their children away after birth that end up showing signs of regret later; NOT women who abort.

One or two final things :) my previous website will remain up but inactive and no more new content will be added. This, too, I will discuss (as to the reason why and such) in yet another up coming video.