Abortion, when done safely and under a professional doctors care, is one of the safest medical procedures one can receive. It's even safer than childbirth. But when left on our own, in deseperation we will do anything to abort if that is what we know inside is right for us. That's a fact, not opinion. Abortion does not go down because of abortion bans, have I mentioned that? I have yet to see how anti-choicers are pro-life?
The true pro-lifers are the ones who support a woman's right to make her own choice.Oh, not to mention when they say abortion is only okay when the woman's life is in danger I hope everyone stops to think about that. What about those who are willing to take their own life instead of being pregnant; what about those who will take their life after pregnancy?
Why is mental illness and suicide not taken more seriously? Not only suicide; but there are far too many women who die while trying to induce miscarriage. Giving birth is a massively life changing event and shouldn't be treated as something that's mandatory of anyone.
Statement below, followed by link. Please sign and share; wherever you are in the world. America needs help; so do many places. We need to unite with women of North Ireland and stand united against those who want to see women put "back in our place".
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We the undersigned call for the repeal of the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution so that full reproductive health services, including abortion, can be made available in line with best medical practice, international human rights norms and the will of the majority of people in Ireland.