If I don't write this after hearing another young woman's story and dealings with Anti's, I will possibly explode so; if you struggle with abortion because of what other people say, because of how anti-choicers behave or speak/spoke to you; please read. It is my hope the brief reasons below (there are more) regarding why
anti-choicers are not worth listening to when it comes to your life just as they have nothing reliable & do not do a good job when it comes to being a judge of character in others; especially since they spend so much time spreading lies and/or calling others mean names (e.g., murderer, slut, sinner, etc- all those things are lies from a frustrated and cruel person).
And since none of you speak out for these 4 young men let alone the thousands of others murdered by cops, you're all but pro-life. |
My Relationship With Anti-Choicers
Almost a year ago I stopped talking with Anti's and stopped arguing with them. It is a waste of time that I can spend on things that matter. They dance around facts and other points of view while just repeating themselves and ignoring anything I say and let us not forget, also calling me or any supporter of abortion mindless names whenever facts are stated facts.
I do, however, write and talk about them from time to time because it hurts me VERY deeply when women contact me feeling bad about themselves, feeling depressed and even at times suicidal due to words shouted or spoken by Anti(s) upon leaving or entering a clinic; not to forget those who contact me feeling the same way as above, but this time due to the Anti's who waste their time like the
anti-choice clinic protesters trolling boards and other networking sources, patiently seeking and waiting for any women to dare utter the "A" word.
Anti-Choicers Use of Deception and Cruelty -Online and In Person-
As they wait they spend their time writing or creating videos with angry, hateful and cruel lies, name-calling anyone who disagrees with their views (which is another sign of someone without an argument... and they honestly do not have any form of a legitimate argument because both medically and scientifically abortion risks and fetuses being living children have been proven as lies, have been proven untrue, for countless years now.)