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A Couple of Truths to Remember Regarding Abortion & Women *(Click to Enlarge) |
From lying about abortion being linked to breast and/or ovarian cancer (let me just note; it is NOT linked- there have been so many professional research studies conducted over the years and not one has found a link- Google it) to the invention of Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC) or other fake clinics where they are free to demoralize women as well as show them photoshopped images and spew their unfounded lies on women who aren't sure they want to be pregnant. They offer no facts, only religious lies and fear tactics; they offer no alternatives to pregnancy...Frankly, they offer nothing but lies and coldness.
Over half of
ALL the women in America live are currently living in an area impacted by the war on choice; the war on abortion...the war on women.
Let me just note that while there is plenty of abortion related news right now, this violation against women shows how much they despise women; they don't care for life- it's about keeping people in their place or punishing them...
Depressingly, the Texas state Government showed their typical coldness when only a few days ago bill SB575, was passed and is now heading to the House. SB757 denies a lot of things, but abortion is actually part of this bill; a bill which denies abortion to be covered under any plan bought through the federal marketplace. Dozens of states have already done similar acts by not allowing coverage to be obtainable under the Affordable Care Act.
Back to numbers for now. So, again, over half of the American female population living in areas where abortion restrictions have created massive obstacles for women who want to obtain a safe, legal abortion (this includes both late-term and the abortion pill alike).
These obstacles, above all else, cost money. Not to mention the traveling back and forth to the area where the safe abortion can legally take place. Oh, and let us not forget the cost of a hotel for a few days or the price of the medical procedure itself.
(Note: an abortion is just another medical procedure, nothing more or less. And let me make this clear; abortion is NOT murder!)
Even upon arriving at an abortion clinic, more obstacles await. State laws vary, but if you're a female living in the over 50-55% areas, these are obstacles you must face. Face them with pride and hold your head high for you are not doing a bad thing; abortion is thousands upon thousands of years old. What's new, however, is the sudden surge of hatred towards this practice.
Their strange and odd attempts to discourage abortion, again, differ from state to state but a few examples are things such as requiring absurd and ridiculous things from women. I was made to look at the fetus both times. In all honesty, seeing my sonogram before the abortion procedure only gave me comfort and reassured me that I was doing the right thing not only for myself; but also for the soon to be child as well. He did not deserve to be brought into this world yet; he deserved far better- as all children would and do. I did and do love him, and that is one more reason why I have such peace with my abortion.The reason for having your abortion is yours and yours only- no one has the right or need to know unless you want them to.
Having this medical procedure I not only saved not only me, but I also did the right thing for what would become a baby soon. Quality of life soars far above forced motherhood and being pro-birth. Thinking of the future and how life will be for yourself as well as the fetus to be child may not be easy, or perhaps it is very easy, either way that is what more women and families should do; and then act accordingly.
There's no shame in having an abortion. I'm proud of both of mine, and while I am far from perfect or special my abortions are two of only a few things I've done in this life which I am proud of.
Back on track. So, while some states ask if you want to see and/or hear the fetus, you are allowed to refuse depending on your state. Though I am glad I saw mine as it only reaffirmed how I knew I felt, women are not all the same, of course.
Lastly, for now, let's look at one other common example of the absurd attempts to discourage women from going through with what is considered by statistics, scientists and medical practitioners alike to be one a quick procedure as well as of the most safest medical procedures given. Despite this lies are still being spread by anti-choicers posing as doctors or pro-choice activists, only to turn on the woman and feed her deception. Mental Illness is far more prevalent in women who give birth; especially if they were forced into motherhood. On the other hand, a link between mental illnesses and abortion hasn't been found; it's non-existent.
After the abortion, you may feel as I did, sad that you weren't ready but so very happy and relieved to not be pregnant anymore! Or you may find yourself crying randomly, or wanting to mourn over the terminated pregnancy. All of these reactions are normal and there is no right or wrong way to respond to the procedure. To make matters worse, our hormones are going nuts at that point, making everything even more emotional than on an average day. It's okay to cry, to feel angry; it's okay to feel happy. It's okay to feel whatever you feel.
Research has found that while there is a small group of women who are sad afterwards, however when they came back in 2 weeks later for their check up the vast majority no longer felt sad but relieved. As I said, it's an emotional procedure to start with and the crazy hormones don't make it any easier! Cope in whatever way is natural to you, remember you're no murderer, and give your heart and hormones some time to get back to normal :)
Before I end this, I'd just like to make one correction in response to what , there is no such thing as "post abortion syndrome". It's not a real or recognized disorder nor an illness, instead it is a name given by anti's to use on emotionally unstable and unsure women (and some of them end up -for some reason- using that same deceiving term on other women) in an attempt to hurt them and/or scare them into believing they are evil, or a killer - which is of course a blatant lie as well as emotional abuse.
These people who claim to have survived "post abortion syndrome" should be proud...there is no such thing, so they only succeeded in going through the motions, listening to zealots or misinformed people, and claimed it for themselves. What's worse are those who preach anti-choice lies while using the "I regret my abortion" phrase. Maybe they do, maybe they don't- perhaps they've never even had an abortion. Whatever their situation or case was/is please remember it is not yours. If said person really did regret having the procedure, that does not mean you will, too.
There are plentiful research reports available which state on average only 1% of women who have an abortion regretted it, while the other 99% were able to move on with no problems and were absolutely fine after a couple of weeks; some only a few moments after the procedure.
It may take time; it may not. Either way, abortion does not define you. I speak on that from personal experience as well as tons of statistical and clinical research (all which you can find on google).
Tragically, the above is not even touching the tip of the ice berg when it comes to the attack on women's rights and abortion. The attacks on our rights as women to make our own choices regarding motherhood or abortion is still under ever-growing, intense fire. Unless we plan to live our lives with the threat of having to endure possible death or serious infection (and more); the same things the brave women and doctors endured between the 1900s to 1973 (and even then after by insane zealots), we need to not only unite, but we need to make our Pro-Choice community stronger and it should never take a moment to rest. Anti's don't. Hate doesn't take a day off. We should never fall out of step when it comes to fighting for our rights to health care, including abortion care.
Abortion (and women's health) seem to be at going under; it's time we step up our game & fight back harder and smarter... We should start by educating ourselves via connections made online and research. We can not allow them to let actual PEOPLE; actual HUMAN BEINGS who have LIVES die because of a fetus or because that person disagreed with their anti-choice stance. The law owes us this; it's our right and I won't shut up until I'm dead or they give it to us...Thankfully, I know there are tons more women out there who feel exactly the same way.
To them I say, thank you with all of my heart.