If I don't write this after hearing another young woman's story and dealings with Anti's, I will possibly explode so; if you struggle with abortion because of what other people say, because of how anti-choicers behave or speak/spoke to you; please read. It is my hope the brief reasons below (there are more) regarding why anti-choicers are not worth listening to when it comes to your life just as they have nothing reliable & do not do a good job when it comes to being a judge of character in others; especially since they spend so much time spreading lies and/or calling others mean names (e.g., murderer, slut, sinner, etc- all those things are lies from a frustrated and cruel person).
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And since none of you speak out for these 4 young men let alone the thousands of others murdered by cops, you're all but pro-life. |
My Relationship With Anti-Choicers
Almost a year ago I stopped talking with Anti's and stopped arguing with them. It is a waste of time that I can spend on things that matter. They dance around facts and other points of view while just repeating themselves and ignoring anything I say and let us not forget, also calling me or any supporter of abortion mindless names whenever facts are stated facts.
I do, however, write and talk about them from time to time because it hurts me VERY deeply when women contact me feeling bad about themselves, feeling depressed and even at times suicidal due to words shouted or spoken by Anti(s) upon leaving or entering a clinic; not to forget those who contact me feeling the same way as above, but this time due to the Anti's who waste their time like the
anti-choice clinic protesters trolling boards and other networking sources, patiently seeking and waiting for any women to dare utter the "A" word.
Anti-Choicers Use of Deception and Cruelty -Online and In Person-
As they wait they spend their time writing or creating videos with angry, hateful and cruel lies, name-calling anyone who disagrees with their views (which is another sign of someone without an argument... and they honestly do not have any form of a legitimate argument because both medically and scientifically abortion risks and fetuses being living children have been proven as lies, have been proven untrue, for countless years now.)
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Or any other tragedy, in every single country, in every single state in the US, in every single city in the US. Pro-Life? Hardly. |
One example, again, women come feeling the same ways as above only this time it's because of the anti-hate movement online. As they researched information regarding abortion, just as most would do before or after any medical procedure, they sadly have to also sort through the BS to actually find legitimate research/facts and not false claims or fake clinics; one example being the Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC).
At times it seems as if the Anti's are predators; waiting for the right person and right time to leap out and start "shouting" lies and cruelty only because a woman has mentioned 'considering, wanting or shared her personal abortion story.
At times it seems as if the Anti's are predators; waiting for the right person and right time to leap out and start "shouting" lies and cruelty only because a woman has mentioned 'considering, wanting or shared her personal abortion story.
In the mean time, they fill up their sites and make deceptive videos with religious nonsense and act as if they have the right to look down on others, to judge others, to hurt others. They do NOT have that right. No one does. And it isn't religious non-sense, it will be someone claiming to suffer from post abortion syndrome or a typical cruel name calling liar, or one of those who enjoy sharing the oh so infamously ridiculous and photo-shopped photos of "bloody" dead babies...Images they manipulated, created on their computer or stole. (BTW: A fetus is not a baby).
Abortion's not for everyone and that's fine; I don't even care if they continue to disagree with me, I'm not here to win people over. What I want from those who disagree with those of us who obtain the medical procedure known as abortion is mainly for them to mind their own business and stop harassing others. All I want is the respect, privacy, consideration and non-violent behavior they show people who actually do or have murdered a real, live, breathing child (especially since neither me nor any other woman who has aborted have not).
Why Don't Anti's Respond To Cops RE: The Amount of Lives Stolen By Police?
Example: When the police kill an innocent child have you ever noticed how they never protest that? Not just a baby or child, any human being but they do kill and/or harm little children, too. The numbers of murders and excessive force is not exactly low so it isn't as if the deaths or abuses are rare and limited. Yet still, they never protest outside of a police station or scream obscene, cruel words towards the cops; not even the officer that committed the murder!
They don't care about children; they care about pregnancy being seen full term, and making sure women continue to 'do our job' and give birth- despite what we want or know is right or wrong to do.
You cannot tell me you care about life and are truly a "pro-lifer" if you don't get just as angry and you don't take as harsh action towards anyone but especially police who commit murder -the majority of the time with no cause, reason or explanation. They only are brave enough to use their mean, cruel words and threatening actions against anyone affiliated with abortion.
Hmm, I wonder why they attack those who can't arrest, beat or kill them yet have no problem doing it to women at medical centers...
Could that be due to the fact they don't truly care about
life? Or, is it because they only are 'brave' enough to speak up against
innocent, harmless women who are in an emotional situation? I believe
it to be a mixture of the two. If life matters so
much to them they would have shown outrage, say for example when Baby
Bou had his face practically blown off as he sat in his cradle with the
cop thrown grenade, which did go off. (For anyone unaware of Baby Bou,
he did thankfully live but has been undergoing countless and extensive,
heartbreaking surgeries.)
Anti-Choice Harassment, Abuses, and Violent Acts Still Occur
While most anti-choicers don't kill actual humans, there are those who have the audacity to claim they are pro-life while proudly murdering doctors. Some have extreme mental illnesses, such as Dr. George Tiller's murderer, Shelley Shannon.
This is not an excuse for their crime! This is to say they should never walk the streets again and should be punished by life in a mental institution so they aren't harming or a potential threat to harm again or convince others to murder for them (again, like Shannon has tried to do since going to prison). These sick, cold and heartless killers need to be institutionalized within in a maximum security institution- they should not be allowed to spread their deceitful, murderous hatred to other people. By the way, I'd like to note in no way does that go against the First Amendment. There is a fine line between ranting hate and cruel words and ranting those same words while trying to entice someone to murder another person.
Those Who Provide Abortions, Doctor to Staff, These are True Heros
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Hero: Dr. George Tillman, May your new life be blessed. |
There are countless reasons I believe that abortion clinics, doctors, staff workers, etc; are the real heroes in places like America. They risk their lives daily to save countless lives of women all over the world. Those who have been murdered by the most extreme of anti's gave their life because they believed in life; because they believed in women making our own choices when making one of, if not the most, important choice of our lives; is it right or wrong to bring an innocent being into this world at this point in my life; under these circumstances; when I feel so depressed or suicidal; when I feel a deep anger towards being pregnant; because I don't want to have a baby; because I am not ready to stop my life and raise a child...
Listen to YOURSELF, Not Anyone Else. Those Who Care Don't Try to Persuade You...Instead, They Listen with Care.
The reasons are endless and personal, if you choose abortion PLEASE REMEMBER whatever your reason(s) are, and whether you are pregnant because of tragedy that happened to you, or because of a slip up in life; a mistake or accident (and the like), no matter what your situation, no matter what your reasons, if you want to abort your pregnancy you are NOT a murderer, you are NOT a bad, evil person, you are NOT killing any children and you do NOT deserve the hate Anti-Choicers dish out. However, I beg you this; never forget your reasons. Those reasons, whether they are complex ones or whether they are a simple...; I'm not ready now, I want to live my life first, it's not time or simply because you realize, 'I don't want to be a mom'...
Always remember why you had your abortion(s) anytime an Anti attacks you. Remember the feelings you felt, remember the reasons, imagine what life would be like now if a child were with you. If you had an abortion many years ago, think back to that point in your life and remember your reasons then, at that time. At that time you were probably in a different situation. Saving an innocent life from a horrible world is not a reason to be mean to yourself or think badly about yourself.
Please Don't Allow Those Spewing Angry Words & Lies Tell You You Are "Bad"
Anyone who can act like they do, online and in person, are not the kind of people I find moral enough to listen when they shout their opinion of what kind of person I am nor do I want deceptive, cold hearted liars beside me when it comes to making hard or emotional life choices (this all applies to any other person's life and choices). To me, they aren't worth the time of my nor any other woman who has done or is doing the best she can; which I view those women as the type who generally have a good and loving soul.
All reasons for abortion are valid; you are not a killer or failure. Please listen to those with kind and understanding souls; to the countless other women (and men) as well as doctors who understand abortion, who understand medicine and especially the people who do not attack you but show you kindness when you hurt or are down for any reason. Any person who can act as they do; that is, attack with intent to emotionally or mentally harm another -especially during a private moment- will never be good enough of a person to trust when it comes to character judgment.
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