Abortion Is Pro-Life

Abortion Is Pro-Life

Monday, July 20, 2015

Anti-Choice Deceptive Attack on Planned Parenthood- The Real Facts Behind the Video

Currently, Anti-Choice Extremists are attacking Planned Parenthood with a false video, edited heavily and changed in the attempt to ruin a good organization. Learn the facts...

Planned Parenthood CEO Cecilie Richards speaks up in this short video -> (followed by research links disproving the anti-choice attack.
Two links that will lead u to a lot of information and truth on what is going on. Know the facts and share them, please. Here you can watch Austin Local News expose the video: video and other research disproving these Anti lifers can be found here.

And here, you can read the research of how the Anti-Choice made one video of many. To make this video seem as though Planned Parenthood sells things "aborted" they had to do as they tend to do frequently; manipulate, deceive and aim to hurt others by all means as this helps them feel good about themselves...somehow.

Again, women... This is why you shouldn't let what an anti shouts out you or tells you make you feel bad about yourself. This kind of deception, lies and heartless actions to prove a point that isn't even based upon fact rather based upon their desire to trick others, is exactly why nothing they call you or me or anyone else should matter to any one. I hope it helps even one woman see how their cruelty makes their opinions the sort no woman (or man) ever needs to think for a second is true.

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