It impacts so many aspects of family life; from birth control to family planning and health care for women, especially low income women as well as many other vital areas of life. However, these important factors in the life of women are at risk whenever Title X is at risk as it is now; especially for those with low income (see below video for more information!). And though I can't stress enough how abortion is not a bad thing nor does it make you a bad woman; common sense tells us that, abortion -like most medical procedures- is not something most women jump up and down with joy over. Perhaps afterwards as I did, but not before.
Preventing abortion is a good theory; but abortion should not be neglected due to forcing a woman to give birth, thus putting herself and the potential child in a situation neither deserve to be in; one that will only harm them both. Abortion should never be neglected at the cost of adoption or suffering through life with an unwanted child; both are prices too high to pay. Preventing self-induced abortion is the best outcome of Title X, helping young families plan their future among countless other health care services provided are just a few of the benefits offered to women via Title X. So what exactly is Title X?
Let's start with the easiest method of explaining:
If you want more info, please visit my previous post on Title X by clicking here for more information, watch the below video and do your own research if you're still not satisfied. Also, below the image provided by Guttmacher Institute are a few more resources to help you understand what services they provide, and why it is crucial women and families continue to have Title X; especially those with low income.
Please educate yourself before arguing about this topic or any other topic for that matter... Get the facts, listed below, as well as resources where you can find additional information and spread it to others. Truth must prevail if we are to win this battle against women's rights... Thanks!
The Guttmacher Institute encourages you to share this infographic freely to ensure that the debate is informed by facts, not misinformation.
- Frost JJ et al.,"Return on Investment: A Fuller Assessment of the Benefits and Cost Savings of the US Publicly Funded Family Planning Program," The Milbank Quarterly, 2014, 92(4):696-749.
- Frost JJ, Frohwirth L and Zolna MR, Contraceptive Needs and Services, 2013 Update, New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2015, <>.
- Fowler CI, Gable J and Wang J, Family Planning Annual Report: 2013 national summary, Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International, 2014, <>