They were the kindest people one could have hoped for; to make me feel comfortable and as if I were not alone nurses shared stories with me, personal stories, talked to me about the trouble the horrible Rick Perry was giving them (this was right before he attacked clinics all over Texas) and gave me detailed information and care on how to safely abort at home with the medication, information and number (just in case) all of which they provided.
My abortions were blessings, without Planned Parenthood I wouldn't have been able to obtain that second abortion and get the birth control I needed (that would work). I cannot thank them, or Whole Woman's Health, enough for saving my life.
Of course Planned Parenthood is for more than first trimester abortions, but this is what they mean to me... With all the unneeded drama and lies the anti-choice movement has placed upon PP I hope anyone who has been to Planned Parenthood for any reason will please take a few moments and write a quick thank you, to remind them we are all behind them... Also, please share this and let's all get behind those who are pro-choice and helping women as well as families <3
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